Monday 23 June 2014

Difference Between Computer Science and Information Technology

Computer Science Engineering and Information technology both are almost same. Both Computer Science Engineering and Information technology are related to the study of computer. But there are some differences between both fields.

 Computer Science is related to both hardware and software knowledge and Information technology focuses on software, application and networking. Some subjects are same and some are different in both the fields.
The main thinking by which these two branches were separated is that computer science(CS) is basically to focus on the Algorithmic part of computer sciences with the knowledge of hardware, and Information Technology(IT) is mostly focus on  the application part of CS.

In IT more focus is on how to use and apply  existing technologies but in CS more focus is on how to build new technology.

But placements for the both fields are same. Both IT and CSE comes in same category.
IT subjects are more practical and CS subjects are more theoretical. 

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